Sunday, 15 January 2017
Saturday, 14 January 2017
Friday, 13 January 2017
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
NTV Uganda's Douglas Lwanga to host HiPipo Music Awards 2017 at Serena Hotel
Meet @douglaslwangaug a co-host of the 5th prestigious HiPipo Music
Awards. Douglas is a Ugandan television host, radio presenter, animator
and a CEO Brand Purple party. In 2008, he joined @record tv where he
launched his TV career with Katogo show. Gradually, Douglas became a big
household name thanks to his daily live music show that hosted
thousands of Ugandan music artists over the years. Today he hosts The
Beat on Ntv
Get Your Tickets Now!!!!
Get Your Tickets Now!!!!
Rhino Camp HE T.D. Roosevelt and his son Kermit on their Infamous Hunting safari in West Nile 1909 :
The North Western sub region of Uganda / better known as West Nile first came under extensive foreign influence of the Egyptian Ottoman Turks from the north as far back as the 1840s; these invaders colloquially known as “Kuturiyah” a corruption of the Arab word Turkiyah were renown Ivory Poachers and they doubled in the equally Lucrative Evil Slave Raiding Trade.
The main Trade Route of the slavers from Khartoum was along the Great River Nile Valley through the impassable Sud with Dufule as the main Transit Centre.
By 1862 the two intrepid British explorers Speke and Grant visited this area on their way back home via Egypt and they found the evil Trade thriving. They were coming back from their momentous travels to Buganda and Busoga where they self-proclaimed to have discovered an already inhabited shoreline source of the White Nile on the shores of Lake Nalubale which they christened Lake Victoria after the British Matriarch Monarch Queen Victoria ; in their interesting writings they observed that the Indigenous Madi-Moru natives to the land west of the banks of the River Nile in what would later be called West Nile particularly did not seem happy under the evil yoke of the slave raiding Ottoman Turks from Eygpt via Khartoum Sudan.
In 1864 Sir Samuel Baker and his wife Lady Samuel Baker came through West Nile and went onwards to the Omukama Kamurasi’s Runya-Kitara Kingdom of Bunyoro where he also self-proclaimed to have discovered Lake Albert ; this particular sacred body of water is called “Obizoku” in the colloquial Madi-Lugbara dialect,”Nek-Bonyo” in the Luo (Lwo) Alur language and “Nzita-Nzige” in the local Kinyoro Language which has a pervading similar meaning that during the scourge of the annual Locusts Invasions
“where locusts perish crossing” for the pests often perished in droves attempting to Traverse the Iconic Lake Straddling the Mountain of the Moons Range.…/albert…/albertnyanzagrea00sirs_djvu.txt
However the first recorded Mundu or Giliya “ whiteman” (Caucasian) to visit the greater interior of Lugbara land proper were either A.Bono from Malta One hundred and fifty years ago a young Maltese from the city of Senglea, Andrea De Bono, went to live in darkest Africa. He spent almost twenty years of his life in those harsh equatorial regions, traveling and exploring, bartering for ivory with friendly natives and fighting hostile tribesmen. De Bono had a private army, a river flotilla and a string of trading posts. Strong and brave, acclimatized and experienced, he had ample time to become the first European to discover the sources of the White Nile, which had been an enigma in Europe for more than two thousand years. However, Andrea De Bono allowed this golden opportunity to cover himself and his small island home with glory to slip right through his fingers; at one time he was just a few miles away from one of the great sources of the mighty African river. This is the story of an ordinary man who pushed himself to the limit. Facing family losses, political intrigues and petty jealousies, he was falsely accused of slave trafficking. And here he showed true grit. This and his readiness to help his fellow explorers, Speke and Grant, reveal a nobler nature than the terms 'trader' and 'frontiersman' imply. Excellently researched, well illustrated and colourfully told, this insightful biography throws light on an unusual corner of history and human endeavour. or the Legendary Ruso-German Dr. Junker locally known as “Simma” or “Simia” who Traverse during the years 1870s who wrote extensively of his about his ground breaking “ Travels in Africa” along the length and breadth of the Equatoria Province which was then under the Administration of Mehmet El Amin (Emin Pasha) .
In 1877 he travelled with a notorious Slave Raiding caravan which was aidied and abetted by two hereditary kakwa chiefs Gbaganla of Gulumbi and Kenyi Dada of the Dimu/Midia Kakwa Clan who unfortunately gained from the evil slave trade through Keliko land ,Kakwa land which was generally listed by Emin pasha under what they called Makaraka land and onwards to Or’leba land around the Tara region right upto and near the sacred ancestral mountains of Liru which he christened Mt.Gessi and around Mount Wati into Terego land which he christened Mt. Gordon and he was just about and could view at a distance Mount Luku which he christened Mt. Baker.These names represented the then present top Anglo-Eygptian Administrators in the Sudan at the time he was forced to quickly return to Lado when word came about that he might be cut off from a known route back to Cairo via Khartoum because of the ongoing Mahdist Revolt in Khartoum and indeed he was forced to travel southwards via Buganda and Bagamoyo to Zanzibar in order to get back to civilization in Cairo:-…/travel…/travelsinafricad03junk_djvu.txt
Mehmet El Amin (Emin Pasha) had setup an Administrative Capital at Lado in the 1870s when he was dually appointed Governor of the equatorial Province for which he administered for some years, giving an in depth account of the Ethnographic status of all the tribes in present day South Sudan.
By 1894 the Evil Colonial designs on Africa better known as Their Spheres of Influence had begun to set off the Scramble for Africa following the signing of the Treaty in Brussels Belgium on 12th may 1894 between Britain and King Leopald II of Belgium.
Between 1894-1910 the Westnile region fell under Belgiun Political Sphere of Influence ; they placed our fatherland under what was called the Lado Enclave an area of 15,000 square miles and a then estimated census of 250,000 souls. Lado is derived from a hilltop situated in Juba west of the White Nile in Southern Sudan; it is the very first hill sited by the slave raiding Dhows as one travels up the River Nile some 1,000 miles from the conjunction of the Blue Nile and the White Nile at Omdurman and Khartoum from whence the slave raiders set sail. The Lado Enclave was eased to King Leopald II for the rest of his lifetime. In the Lease Area a Special Flag was hoisted different from that of the Congo free State which was the Personal Fiefdom of the aging Belgian Monarch.
The Ethnic Composition listed in Mehmet El Pasha’s Administrative Clusters in the former Equatoria Province was in general as follows:
1. Azande
2. Madi-moru
3. Lugbara
4. Alur
5. Aringa
6. Kakwa
7. Kuku
8. Makaraka
9. Bari
10. Pojulu
11. Mundari
12. Mundu
13. Luluba
14. Kebu
15. Lotuka
16. Nyambara
17. Avukaya
18. Keliko
19. Liggi
20. Nyefo
21. Lendu
22. Baka
23. Tekrir
Following the 1894 agreement Wadelai and The Alur Kingdom at Mahagi as well as the western Lugbara at Aru remained part of the Congo Free State.
Due to the open threat from Amir Karam’Allah who deputized the Khaliphate of Abdullah of Darfur (The Khalifa) who replaced the Muhammed Ahmed Al Mahdi who died of typhoid, hordes of his Darrwish Holy warriors would intermittently come through the Great Sud and attack areas south of Bahar El Gazzal constantly hurrying the Emin Pasha Administration following the fall of Gordon’s Khartoum administration to the Victorious Mahdi .…/eminpa…/eminpashaincentr00emin_djvu.txt
They eventually forced Emin Pasha to relocate and make his last stand in Wadelai. The Belgians were rightly reluctant to setup office and were slow to open Military Forts and administration Stations in Lado Enclave, in-fact they only managed to set up stations under stiff opposition from an hostile indigenous populations who saw them as just another form of the ongoing slave raiding traditions of foreigners.
In some instances the likes of Sultan Gbangala of Gulumbi and Sultan Ali Kenyi Dada sided with the Mahdist Hordes of Amir Karam’Allah against the Belgiuns initially.
The following stations where finally opened in 1897, then after, other stations were opened at:
1. Loka
2. Yei
3. Kajo-Keji
4. Dufile
5. Wadelai
6. Mahagi
7. Alikua
8. Alenjua (Orivu)
These were merely Fortified Military Posts that met with strained attacks from Mahdist Hordes and remnants of Emin Pasha’s troops who had mutinied because they did not wish to join the evacuation of Emin Pasha by Stanley via kavali/Kasese/Ankole/Karagwe/on wards to Bagamoyo and towards Zanzibar where they were relocated to Eygpt:-…/stanleys…/stanleyseminpa00waut_djvu.txt
During the Famous Stanley rescue Expedition that abandoned a Willing Selim Bey who wished for some time to round up upwards of 10,000 soldiers and dependents but was frustrated by the rebellious conduct of Fadhil El Mullah Bey and the suspicions raised by Stanley’s’ officer who was imprisoned with Emin pasha for 9 months following the Open rebellion by Fadhil El Mullah Bey and some Egyptian Clerks who had vested interests in the on going slave trade in the Lado Enclave.…/ri…/riseoureastafri00unkngoog_djvu.txt
As a matter of ongoing urgency the Belgians were being harried and there was no proper administration and they relied on the indigenous Lendu and the Wanyema Levi Porters who were upgraded and recruited into the notorious “Tukutuku Force Publique”.
This Compounded the situation for the indigenous population remained hostile to the Belgian Congolese administration officials whose soldiers (Tukutuku) were often a source of insecurity in the area, the nickname arose and was coined by the natives from the sound made by the gunshots of the Belgium rifles “Tukutuku”
On May 9th 1906 a New Anglo-Belgiun Congolese agreement was signed by which King Leopald II agreed to Annul the agreement of 12th may 1894 and on his death to hand over the Lado Enclave to the Sudan British Administration Government. Under the then Lord Field Marshal H. Kitchener and his deputy Major General Wingate; in return he was given the right to build a railway network that would link the River Congo with the River Nile, at the time the aging Belgian Monarch was about 72 years old and indeed on 17th December 1909 he passed away having ruled the Kingdom of Belgium for 43 years! Following his demise the agreement of 1906 was officially effected and the Lado Enclave was transferred to the Anglo-Eygyptian Sudan . The state of Lado Enclave then ceased to exist however there arose a Legal Problem relating to Administration and the Notorious Ivory Poaching; when the agreement of 1906 was made giving Sudan the right to take over the enclave after the King’s demise, the Belgians began withdrawing in a harry like the proverbial Flemish Lemming heading for the Cliffs; this period stands clear in infamy 1907-1911 saw the territory invaded by European ivory poachers from numerous nationalities who begun shooting down Elephants and the Big five game on a large scale.
The Great Teddy Roosevelt made his infamous appearance at Ajai Game Reserve and his “Rhino Camp” overlooking the River Nile during this period :-…/big…/biggameshootingr029906mbp_djvu.txt
Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition (1909–1910)
In March 1909, shortly after the end of his presidency, Roosevelt left New York for the Smithsonian-Roosevelt African Expedition, a safari in east and central Africa outfitted by the Smithsonian Institution.[113] Roosevelt's party landed in Mombasa, British East Africa (now Kenya), traveled to the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of the Congo) before following the Nile to Khartoum in modern Sudan. Financed by Andrew Carnegie and by his own proposed writings, Roosevelt's party hunted for specimens for the Smithsonian Institution and for the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The group, led by the legendary hunter-tracker R. J. Cunninghame, included scientists from the Smithsonian and was joined from time to time by Frederick Selous, the famous big game hunter and explorer. Among other items, Roosevelt brought with him four tons of salt for preserving animal hides, a lucky rabbit's foot given to him by boxer John L. Sullivan, a Holland and Holland double rifle in . donated by a group of 56 admiring Britons, a Winchester 1895 rifle in .405 Winchester, an Army (M1903) Springfield in .30-06 caliber stocked and sighted for him, a Fox No. 12 shotgun, and the famous Pigskin Library, a collection of classics bound in pig leather and transported in a single reinforced trunk. Participants on the Expedition included Roosevelt's son Kermit along with Edgar Alexander Mearns, Edmund Heller, and John Alden Loring.
Roosevelt and his companions killed or trapped approximately 11,400 animals, from insects and moles to hippopotamuses and elephants. The 1000 large animals included 512 big game animals, including six rare White rhinos. The expedition consumed 262 of the animals. Tons of salted animals and their skins were shipped to Washington, D.C.; the quantity was so large that it took years to mount them all, and the Smithsonian shared many duplicate animals with other museums. Regarding the large number of animals taken, Roosevelt said, "I can be condemned only if the existence of the National Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, and all similar zoological institutions are to be condemned."
Although the safari was ostensibly conducted in the name of science, it was as much a political and social event as it was a hunting excursion; Roosevelt interacted with renowned professional hunters and land-owning families, and met many native peoples and local leaders. Roosevelt became a Life Member of the National Rifle Association, while President, in 1907 after paying a $25 fee. He later wrote a detailed account in the book African Game Trails, where he describes the excitement of the chase, the people he met, and the flora and fauna he collected in the name of science.
On the extreme commercial side of the same coin Elephant Tusks were in high demand and had a good market in India,Asia Major,Asia Minor,Europe and the |Americas; Ivory is still used in intricate sculptures and in the making of billiard balls, piano keys and umbrella handles/walking sticks. However the best live ivory comes from the Tusks of African Elephants. The Lado Enclave was the Epicenture of this highly destructive and extinctive Hunting tradition; like a scene from the Tomb Raiders or the raiders of the Lost Ark a Platoon of Notorious Ivory poachers descended on the now No mans Land truly “Terrain Aulis” the Former Equatoria Province was inundated like the proverbial high-water Nile floods by infamous I dare say!
Such as Teddy Roosevelt, Banks,Barley,Bennet,Boyes,Selland and Berti the Notorious Italian Hunter who in total setup Base at Wadelai.
The Political situation operated in favour of the adventurous Hunters. For when king Leopald II died the British were not to take over the Then Lado Enclave until six months had elapsed! Thus leaving the whole 15,000 square mile under the whims and financial muscle of the richest Hunters,Thus between the period of December 17th 1909 to June 16th 1910 the departing Belgian Lemming Flemish left an Administrative Power Vacuum and Chaos Reigned Supreme!
Ironically they would repeat the very same ill-will method of rushed withdrawal in the 1960s when they relinquished Colonial Power in “Congo Kinshasa” .
With effect from June 16th 1910 the whole of Lado Enclave was taken over by the Sudan and attached to the Mangalla province. The Sudan by then was under a British Governor one Major General Sir Reginald Wingate who had replaced Field Marshal Lord H. Kitchener the Pacifier of Sudan from the Mahdist Revolution of the mid 1800s as ably explained in the River War by Sir Winston Churchill : -
In march 1910 Major Stingand was appointed specifically to make an Ethnographic ordinance Survey and Evaluation of the Lado Enclave on behalf of the British Government.
Between 1911-1913 Major Stigand made a Study Tour amongst the Lugbara,Madi,Kakwa and Alur of West Nile . The Kajo-Keji Station amongst the Kuku and Pojulu tribes was opened by the Sudan Government for Administering the Southern part of the Former Enclave.…/equatoria-the-lado-enclave……/…/2094474
In 1912 the Sudan and Uganda Colonial Government agreed in principal without taking into account the concerns and migratory needs of the indigenous tribes in the area, to revise their common borders. A Proposal was made for the Sudan to handover the southern part of the Enclave to Uganda and in exchange for the Ugandan territory North of Nimule East of the White Nile.
This Proposal was implemented in 1914 when the Southern part of the Formner Lado Enclave was transferred to Uganda and renamed the West Nile District:- the land of the Lugbara,Madi,Alur,Lendu,Kebu and Kakwa in return Uganda gave the area north of Nimule and East of the White Nile belonging to the Bari,Lotuka and Madi to the Sudan.
Weatherhead Anjerekedi Era the arrival of the British Officials:
In 1914 the Southern portion having been attached to Uganda on 29th May 1914 the West Nile District came into being as officially proclaimed by the Governor of Uganda Sir Fredrick Jackson. And he dully sent a Police Officer Mr. A. Evelyn Weatherhead became the first British D.C. District Commissioner and was soon nicknamed Jerekede or Anjerekede a corruption of the Arab saying Ajri Kadha this name came about because of his hurried marching strides across the length and breadth of the new British dominion and he was fond of supervising the road construction projects where he forcefully placed the natives under an indentured stipulation to contribute in person in the building of the roads linking the whole district with a major works done by Bagungu from Bunyoro who have lived in West Nile ever since:
• The Indentured Bagungu Banyoro Question in Westnile?
The Moru Quarters in Arua just below Amin Wadrifu Road Today heading all the way down to Occiba is where the majority of Indentured Labourers from Bunyoro Reside from the Colonial Days when the Runyakitara Kingdom was Overrun and Coloniazed, they were used by Weatherhead to construct most of the Roads we know today in West Nile District as was receantly highlighted by Herbert Munyomo with this Pertinent Question: Do all West Nilers know their roots?
Historical records indicate that some of them were Bagungu. Provincial papers available at the Uganda National Archives indicate that the Bagungu were, by the time of first European contact with Bunyoro, a bigger fishing community occupying a vast territory stretching from the east to west of Lake Albert in the present day DR Congo.
The Bagungu also settled along the banks of River Nile in Gulu and the West Nile.
The 1914 Anglo-Belgian boundary agreement which shows West Nile became part of Uganda on April 21 1914, split the Bagungu into two: The Bagungu in Uganda and those in Congo. In fact, the Bagungu were torn into three, if not four, as those in Uganda were further split into the Bagungu in Bunyoro, those in West Nile and the ones in Gulu, now Nwoya district. It happened that for some administrative reasons, somehow related to the enforcement of the boundary agreement, the Bagungu resident in West Nile and Gulu were barred from coming back to Bunyoro. In short, four divisions of Bagungu were created as follows: Bagungu Congo, Bagungu West Nile, Bagungu Gulu and Bagungu Bunyoro.
According to this boundary agreement, the south eastern part of the Mahagi strip was (in exchange for the West Nile) transferred to the Belgian Congo, which provided the town of Mahagi in Congo, access to Lake Albert. In effect, the Bagungu who lived on the western side of Lake Albert became the Bagungu Congo as Lake Albert came to be shared between Congo and Uganda. These ‘lost Bagungu’ in the Congo, West Nile, and Gulu have since been assimilated to Alur, Lugbara, Jonam, Acholi and other tribes native to West Nile and the DR Congo.
Arguably, the 1914 Anglo-Belgian boundary agreement is thus one of the historical injuries that the Bagungu will leave to remember. The treaty is one of the factors responsible for their vulnerability, especially the minority status and the associated suppression, dispossession, discrimination and marginalisation, which have gone on to the present day.
Further to the issue of “lost Bagungu”, historical records also indicate that by 1917, the Bagungu Question (as Arthur Evelyn Weatherhead, the then West Nile commissioner termed it) had become a bone of contention between colonial powers. In fact in 1919, Weather had described the Bagungu Question as a source of the greatest trouble between West Nile district and Mahagi. By March 1919, the issue of lost Bagungu was triggering a series of diplomatic correspondences on the subject among the British and Belgian governments and Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom.
To cite a few excerpts, in a letter (dated March 12, 1919) to the Daf Raheem Provincial Commissioner, Northern Province, H.A Mackenzie, the then District Commissioner Bunyoro writes: “… I have been asked by the Mukama and Lukiko of Bunyoro to approach you with a view to permission being granted for Bagungu … resident in West Nile districts to come back and reside in Bunyoro …. [However] the return of the Bagungu may be affected by Article 4 of the treaty with the Belgian government, as if the Bagungu in the West Nile come across here, those from the Congo may follow.…”
Reacting on Mackenzie’s letter, Commissioner Weatherhead, writes on April 4, 1919. he tells off Mackenzie and the Mukama that neither the Bagungu in the Congo nor those in West Nile were about to return to Bunyoro. In his six point letter entitled: “Native Affairs Junam, Panyamur: Bagungu”, Weatherhead thus writes inter alia: “...I most emphatically protest against further claims by the Mukama…”
Mr. Ashton Werner (Bwana Wana) was the new D.C.’s Aide de Champ (Assistant) Arua was established in June 1914 and The Indian Rupee locally known as Robia was used as a Common currency through out East Africa.
Weatherhead designed and commissioned in 1916 one of the oldest Golf Courses in Africa at Weatherhead Parklane Golf Course Anyafio Arua District .
The administration began tom build roads and houses using imported indentured Labour from Bunyoro:
Munduni Colonial Collaborator Opi Chiefs:
A certain Blacksmith named Tawua Son of Omba of Ogayi Clan who was found blacksmithing his wares around Arua Hill was appointed as the First Lugbara Chief or Government Collaborator Agent; he had a Apprentice Business of making Arrows,hoes,and sickles.with his new found appointment, his indigenous Enterprise came to an end and Indigenous technology was dealt a severe blow lost for eternity.
Chief Tawua was deputized and assisted by one Nzalaka and Fadl El Mullah Ali Akutra popularly known in Aringa as Adu whence he was later Posted as a paramount Chief amongst the Aringa .
Sultan Adu was Initially the chief Interpreter, he had been a soldier in the Kings African Rifles and knew Kiswahili well which was the preferred language of command amongst the Colonial Administrators with natives.
Sultan Adu had travelled widely and gained a lot of experience in administrative matters. It seemed as if things might go on well. People who ran away into hiding were called upon to come back to their homesteads. He was replaced as translator by one Fadhl El Mullah Babwe of Erewa .
Even Notorious Slave Raiding collaborators like Sultan Ali Kenyi Dada was brought into the Fold and had managed to maintain his hereditary position as the Paramount Chief of a people he subjugated and his enemies and surrounding tribes he sold into slavery was instated as a paramount chief under the British administration.
The fear of slavery amongst the indigenous had been dampened; it seems The Brits had come to stay? Then Rembi showed up on their security radar like a recurrent Political re-affirmation of the indigenous Will of the People of West Nile.
• Yakanye Uprising 1919 Background Cyberspace Public Domain Information on Yakan Millenarian Religions:
One of the most successful millenarian religions in Uganda was the Yakan cult, which arose in Sudan in the late nineteenth century. Leaders from Kakwa society
(whose territory extends across the Uganda-Sudan border) traveled to southern Sudan in search of protection against epidemics, Arab slave caravans, and European military forces, all of which were sweeping Kakwa and[ Lugbara sic ] society in the 1890s. They returned home from the neighboring [Pojulu sic ]
territory with spring water they called "the water of Yakan." [Which they distributed amongst the Lugbara sic] To those who drank it, they promised
restored health, eternal life, and the return of the ancestors and dead cattle. In Kakwa society, Yakan leaders promised protection from bullets,
and many Yakan leaders predicted the arrival of wagonloads of rifles to drive out all Europeans.
When sleeping sickness ravaged Lugbara society in 1911, Lugbara leaders sought out the Yakan prophets. One of them-- Rembi--traveled to Uganda and dispensed the water of Yakan. He was subsequently deported to Sudan and executed in 1917. With its new martyr [Rembi], the cult flourished. When the British administration
declared the sect illegal, people built shrines inside the walls of their homesteads, and believers used Yakan water to provide what they believed was spiritual
protection against British patrols. The ban on the Yakan religion was impossible to enforce, and when it was lifted, Yakan believers felt their faith was vindicated.
As the religion developed, people began to use trance and speaking in tongues to strengthen and demonstrate their faith. In some areas, Yakan leaders appointed
their followers to positions of prestige, and, as their power increased, a gradual reorganization of villages began to take place. Religious notables exercised
political authority, and eventually they became so oppressive that their followers revolted. Colonial troops came in to restore peace, and the Yakan religion
declined in influence but did not disappear. Source: U.S. Library of Congress
True Origins of our Yakanye Cult:
To correct the above write up; Source: U.S. Library of Congress an earlier well-documented records by J.H. Driberg, during 1918-1919 reads in part as
It was somewhere in the 1890s that a Pojulu named Logoro (Logworo) who bought the sacred water from Magoro, and finally Rembi, a Kakwa, obtained it
from Logworo. These two men [Logoro and Rembi] were responsible for spreading the cult amongst the Lugbara of West Nile Province, who soon gave a practical
demonstration of the sacred water’s [ Revolutionary & Political Efficacy sic ]. Just as (Muhammed Al-Amin) Emin Pasha retirement with Stanley to Mombasa
via Bagamoyo , four companies were left at Garrison Wadelayi in Moyo District under Fardemullah Bey a 6 foot 4 inches Lugbara Muslim and from this headquarters a patrol of eighty men was sent towards Terego county, where they were engaged by the Lugbara and completely annihilated by the hordes of
irate Teregians , the emblems of the cult being prominently displayed during battle.
An avenging strike force was also defeated losing one officer and sixty men. It is not quite clear whether the Lugbara refer to a different occasion or to an exaggeration of the event just noted for they claim that they attacked a column of Emin’s troops near Mount Wati. Conflicting reports vary of from 200-700 rifles, and that they killed 700 Muslim [Nubians] including non-combatants. At any rate to this day the amulets worn by Lugbara women consist of melted down rifles taken from Emin’s (Muhammed Al-Amin) troops.
After the Belgian occupation of West Nile territory leased to them by the Anglo-Egyptian Government took effect, the Lugbara projected an attack on the Belgian “Tukutuku” post near Mount Wati consisting of 400 soldiers but for some reason doubtless the vigilance of the Belgians the uprising
fell through. The Belgians, however, were fully aware of the disaffection and realized that as far as the Lugbara were concerned the source of the trouble lay amongst the militant Kakwa ethnic Group further north.
They accordingly hired remnants of Emin (Muhammed Al-Amin) Pasha’s troops and stationed them amongst the Kakwa with the result that the uprising met with but indifferent success and the cult appeared gradually to lapse.
Then the Mahdists again made a concerted demonstration to the south. Four companies retired before them but only two escaped, the others being at Relli. These two companies established themselves on the northwest shore of lake Albert where the Belgians abandoned them withdrawing in-land into the Ituri Jungle.
Genesis of the Kings African Rifles :
At a later date, Major A.B.Thurston, on behalf of the Uganda Government, visited these Nubian Troops and took them across the Lake Albert to Masindi Port together with a crowd of porters, boys and general hanger-ons i.e. family. The former (Muhammed Al-Amin ) Emin’s troops eventually enlisted in the Uganda Armed Force Services, and from this date events began to shape themselves for the setting of the 1st Uganda Mutiny in Busoga,which was put down by the arrival of a contingent of the 5th Batalion Indian Regiment.
For whatever the actual causes of the mutiny were, whatever justification the mutineers might have had, it is quite clear now that what gave them the confidence to take that disastrous step was the sacred water associated with this cult which we have seen originated near Khartoum very many years before.
The sacred water was taken to Masindi Port by some of the hanger-ons who accompanied Major A.B.Thurston and very soon the cult flourished with renewed vigor among the troops.
A certain Corporal Lemin (variant Lemi or Alemi) Marjuk, living at Gulu in 1919, being the Principal administrant of Yakanye . From Masindi, the cult spread to Kampala and Entebbe where its existence was discovered. Despite the arrest and imprisonment of the ringleaders, however, it had taken a firm hold of the Nubian troops, the cult as usual promising immunity and assistance against the Ruling authorities. It developed most strongly in No. XIV company stationed in Busoga and when disaffection culminated in the mutiny all the Nubians were members of the Cult. Every day the shrines of Yakan were visited and promises were made of rifles and ammunition and ultimate victory over the Europeans.
The uprising during 1919 involved the recurrence of the cult among the Lugbara of Uganda and the neigbhouring tribes in the Congo and Southern Sudan culminating in a local uprising that very year, a state of tension which persisted for more than a year afterwards. Only the speedy arrival of reinforcements and prompt punitive measures frustrated the mobilization of the whole tribe and the cooperation of Logo and other allied tribes across the frontier. It was this outbreak which serves as the occasion for the re-affirmation of this nationalistic cult in 1918-1919
'You are fake news' - Trump to CNN's Acosta #FakeNews #DonalTrump
'You are fake news' - Trump to CNN's Acosta
Donald Trump called Buzzfeed 'failing pile of garbage' following their
report that Moscow has been blackmailing him over past sex adventures
Dear @Winnie_Byanyima, take heart ma'am, for the world remembers.
You, Winnie, a strong willed, a brave, a courageous and an inspiring woman whose character goes unshaken.
Ma'am how are you? It's been a while and the people of Mbarara say hello.
Ma'am we saw you beat the unbeatable politically, you defined kitenge and the head gear, and popularly came to be known for it.
Ma'am, we saw you beat a state sponsored Ngoma Ngime in the polls and in court. Ma'am, as an Engineer, the first female one in your particular field of study, you gave hope to many young girls, in Uganda and Africa at large that a girl could dream, do and achieve big.
Your bush war story is one of great courage, bravery, patriotism and your undivided devotion to whichever cause you find worthy.
You stood for women long before you became a mother and swam in the deep waters of leadership even when many demanded that you have a husband by your side as a test of character and societal appeal.
When you finally chose to have a husband, you didn't marry the "right man" or one that would right from your family and across the political divide or general public be accepted.
You married a "rebel" one who challenges the status quo, a go getter and one you believed in. Theories to this effect are many but hey, when all thought it was over, you advanced.
You went to the AU, the UN and now Oxfam. Your resignation from the position of MP was questioned heavily but you insisted that you could not refuse the opportunity to serve women in a better position and with a better station, influencing both gender and community development affairs at a continental and global level.
All this while, you raised an amazing son, Harvard material. Even when many have questioned your marriage, when you come back home, it is to your husband; the man you support and one if wrong, your solid governing principles have prevailed and reason you have upheld.
As Miria Matembe questioned Chris Obore's ability to shake her character, Ma'am, I congratulate you for one, your ability to not let circumstances shake your character and two, for being the Winnie for the world even when in the courts of public opinion you should have held back.
As such Ma'am, your standing surety for Kanyamunyu to me further presented you as strong willed, caring and not at any moment ready to give up on those that you love just so you can protect your supposed reputation.
Because Ma'am, if you Winnie hadn't, who would have? In times of trouble, when all that is left is fear, when the public has judged and shot at us, when we are confined in walls and waiting for a verdict on what once seemed a bright future, be it that we are guilty or not, family then becomes the last strain of hope we hold onto and we need them all, in spirit and in kind and if possible, wherever they matter, clearly going the extra mile.
Ma'am, I therefore encourage you to be strong as always and disregard the political charlatans, for blood is thicker than water and character unshaken is always vindicated by time.
We, many of us might not belong where you belong politically or agree with your political views but your person teaches us too much to disregard.
Otherwise welcome back from overseas and I hope you are having a great time here so that when back to work, you can joyously and enthusiastically serve the greater global good.
Remember this, you are no longer
fighting to write your history, for it is already written and it is rich. Now, you are enforcing your history and that takes great character.
Mwajuma Ruzena Wow, Wow & wow, is all I can say!!!!
I think you should consider writing as a part time job!!
I think you should consider writing as a part time job!!

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Tuesday, 10 January 2017
Dear mu future wife............Things you have to know
Dear future Wife
. Sweetheart when you are Pregnant, I won't allow you Do anything stressful till you deliver our baby. You don't have to bother about anything. I can handle it. Please I don't want to see you out of bed by 5 a.m multitasking between making breakfast and doing the house chores. I will take care of that. You just watch T.V while I serve you breakfast in bed..
I heard pregnant women crave the weirdest food and sometimes strange food combinati. I'm equal to the task. I just don't want to see you anywhere near the kitchen. On my way back from work each day, i'll make sure I buy you enough fruits. You may not eat all but I will keep buying more! I will spoil you with gifts. As the size of your tummy increases; i'll buy you new clothes that will fit!..
You think we are out of food stuffs? Don't worry! Write a list of the things you feel we need, i'll go to the market and buy them. While in the market i'll still call you incase you need to add more items to the list. I can't allow you go to the market, I don't want people pushing you up and down. You don't need stress at all.
You want to turn on the tap in the bathroom? Call me!
You want to rub cream on your back? Call me!
You want to kill mosquito? Call me!
You want to open any door in the house? Call me!
I will be your House boy till you deliver!..
You may be the one carrying the baby physically but I'd ensure I carry the baby with you psychologically with all the Love and care I can give!..oh! Lest I forget,our first child will be a Girl.. Don't Argue!..
Sunday, 8 January 2017
Saturday, 7 January 2017
19 Nigerians arrested in UAE for robbing ATM
A 19-man gang of Nigerians who specialize in robbing ATMs in the
United Arab Emirate has been busted with the suspects arrested by the
19 Nigerians who specialize in robbing Automated Teller Machines (ATM) in the United States Emirate, have been arrested by the police after months of painstaking monitoring of their activities.
The Sharjah Police, in a
statement, said that the 19 Nigerian targeted ATM vehicles and at the
time they were arrested, they had stolen Dh1.8 million, (about N 154
The statement added that the suspects were arrested from several apartments occupied by 30 to 40 Nigerians.
to Khaleej Times, the Nigerian robbers had come to the country on visit
visas specifically to commit the robberies and in the process of their
crime spree, they assaulted security guards accompanying the vehicles to
carry out the robberies.
Addressing a press conference, the Director of Police Operations Department, Colonel Rashid bin Bayat,
said the Nigerian criminals had committed four daring and violent
robberies targeting money transportation vehicles that were delivering
cash to ATMs.
At the conference, Col. Bayat said:
first robbery was committed at the ATM of the Dubai Commercial Bank on
King Abdul Aziz Road, where the robbers assaulted security guards and
fled with Dh340,000.
After two days, the gang struck again at an ATM near Saferr Mall in Al Nahda area, where they fled with Dh700,000.
also attacked a cash transportation vehicle in Al Muweilah area, making
off with Dh710,000. The fourth attack at an ATM on Shaikh Mohammed bin
Zayed Road was foiled by the police.”
to the police, the suspects had transferred a part of the robbed money
to Nigeria while efforts are being made to recover the rest of the loot
and return them to their owners.
The suspects, the
police added, were identified and arrested based on CCTV footages
obtained from the banks and money exchange offices, said the police.
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