Whoever offers the Eid prayer on his own, should do so without a khutbah.
Whoever offers it in congregation, then according to the view of the Shaafa‘is, it is sunnah for him to give two khutbahs after it. What supports the view that he should give the two khutbahs is the comment made by the Shaykh in his answer, that the prayer has not been offered at all in the first place, and no khutbah has been given for it in public gathering places.
According to the view of the Maalikis and Hanbalis, and those who think that the one who is excused today is like the one who has missed the prayer, this prayer should be offered in congregation without a khutbah.
According to the view of the Maalikis and Hanbalis, and those who think that the one who is excused today is like the one who has missed the prayer, this prayer should be offered in congregation without a khutbah.

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