By: Shamim Malende@Malende &Co.Advocates,kampala
I do not wish to introduce myself by the position and title I hold in the People Power Movement because what I am about to express here are my personal thoughts. You may also not find it in any Lawbooks.
Today I speak to the young generation and I mean those that will come after us in leadership and politics. And I desire not to speak to those who will aspire to become good politicians but good leaders;
When you mock the dead, it is not freedom of expression
When you mock elders and opinion leaders, it is not freedom of expression
When you mock those who do not agree with you, it is not freedom of expression
When you are paid to put others down, it is not freedom of expression
When you express opinions of others and not your own, you are a prisoner of expression
When you mock a parent that raised and nurtured you, it is not freedom of expression
When you mock the less privileged or the disabled, it is not freedom of expression
Yes, speak truth to power but speak truth to yourself too. SPEAK UP, FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHTS AND THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS but fight smart. God wants us to fight smart not to fight hard.
Death is our final destination before judgment day. Therefore always remember that you are answerable to God before man.
Do not bite your tongue. Speaking truth to power is ok but mockery is not.
Shamim Malende

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