Wednesday 12 August 2020



By Wabuyi Denis

One day, on my way to my home district, Mbale, we made a stop in Iganga. We wanted to buy a nice rolex, which the gracious people of Busoga have in plenty and Redbull to keep the driver awake. There was a “loud-speaking” lad next to the one who was making the rolex. He was talking a lot to his colleague but their conversation did not attract my attention until one said; "I wish Bobi was president, my colleague would be here assisting me.". This conversation takes place at 5 a.m.

Definitely, I got interested and asked how his workmate relates to a Bobi Wine government. But before he could answer, another one who was supporting his head against the knees seemed to wake up and then "When we make Bobi president, I shall become Police Chief of Iganga and I will not allow my fellow officers to arrest anyone just because he is moving at night." Then he went back to clearing his drool. Remember that at that time, there was no COVID-19 and definitely no curfew.

The story is long but in short, a Police Patrol vehicle making rounds had arrested their colleague and the Police were asking for money in order to set him free. His crime was being found moving at night. It was amazing how many people yearn for change and better Uganda.

These aspirations of the street vendors are the same aspirations of the jobless man who has been turned away severely because he has no person to refer him or a bribe for a job. They are the aspirations of a Police Officer who works day and night but cannot fend for his family, a business person who cannot be contracted because he opts to apply for tenders without bribing.

Unfortunately, for a situation like ours where everyone is in a struggle to survive, it is very easy to ignore the struggle itself. It is very easy to think that someone out there is really working hard to remove Museveni and his corruption and brutality and nepotism. However, the truth is that real change can only come when we are all involved; we cannot sit on the sidelines and watch as our liberators swallow gallons of tear gas and lose their beloved, we must get involved.

Involvement in a case like the current state can be in very many ways including answering to the call to protest on the streets but we can also be involved by financially facilitating the cause; Bobi Wine or Lewis Rubongoya cannot foot the bill for our liberation and then expect things to be normal. Buy the party card, donate to the cause, write to inspire and mobilise to increase the numbers. The journey begins from the comfort of your office or the discomfort of your joblessness. We cannot change the situation by being mere spectators.

People Power means you and me, it will not be celebrated unless it involves you and it involves me. Our redemption depends on what we do and only us can fail us if we leave the struggle to our leaders in the struggle.

Donate to the People Power Movement at
Mobile Money: Daniel Oryerwot +256703636363

Follow: People Power Media Center for more

Image may contain: 1 person, text that says 'PRESIDENT People Power Our Power NATIONAL UNITY PLATFORM Everyday Ugandans "When we make Bobi president, I shall become Police Chief of ganga and I will not allow my fellow officers to arrest anyone just because he is moving at night.''

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